Science Education and Outreach



Co-Founder and Executive Director

Digital Age Academy


The website as it looked like in 2020.


Frontiers of Science 

Columbia University



Co-Founder and Author



Science Research Mentoring Program (SRMP)

American Museum of Natural History

Poster exhibition at the AMNH: Rose, Santiago, and Olivia from left to right.

Poster exhibition at the AMNH: Rose, Santiago, and Olivia from left to right.


Digital Age Academy (DAA) is an educational technology initiative that provides free online workforce and entrepreneurial development programs for high school and college students in tech-related and artificial intelligence-oriented fields. DAA operates in four different stages: Ideation, Project, Incubator, and Accelerator. Practical social and technical skills are implemented at each stage to prepare a skilled workforce for various technology sectors and to train future tech entrepreneurs and innovators. All stages are conducted under the mentorship of professionals from the respective industries with a one-on-one interaction. Learn more at

Frontiers of Science is part of Columbia College Core Curriculum. This course is designed to instill skills of the scientific approach to inquiry and problem solving, in the context of several scientific disciplines. The course covers elements of neuroscience, physics/astrophysics, earth/climate science, and biodiversity/biochemistry, teaching students where we are in the universe, who we are as humans into scientific context, and what social issues we have. The course is designed to prepare students with the intellectual tools a scientist needs and develop their scientific habits of mind. 


I am co-founder of the Staryab website (along with Irene Shivaei), which is an astrophysical literature website written in Farsi. Our goal at Staryab is to introduce the world of professional astronomy to those at the beginning of this road, especially undergraduates in physics and astronomy.


I mentored an amazing group of high-school students for an academic year at the American Museum of Natural History on a research project related to the Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network under the Science Research Mentoring Program.